Is there anything more pleasurable than ending a work day outside? Yesterday we hitched our bikes onto the back of the car and took them up island. We have a key to the most beautiful, expansive and wild beach. It’s too far to bike (an all day excursion) with the baby in tow so we got as close as we could, parked and rode the rest of the way. What a pleasure it is ride on on smooth, quiet roads dappled in the last light of day, only to arrive to a wide-open orange sunset, light warm wind and soft sand so deep your whole foot vanishes with each step.
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I bought these jean shorts the day after last in town and haven’t stepped out of them since. My last pair lasted me six years and finally tore up the leg, but I live in jean shorts in the summer, especially here where beach style is part of the Island culture (in summertime!). This linen shirt is also a favorite; it was a birthday present from my mother and is a summer staple. Last, this scarf is just the ticket for transitioning to cooler weather and is an all-season winner, here is a similarly useful one. Beautiful scarves last forever (if looked after properly) and are always a good idea.
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This is one of my favorite views on the island (above and below!). Once you reach the top of the dune, you can see rolling hills, glowing houses tucked away, and the endless sea — takes my breath away every time.
We stayed until last light before throwing our bikes back on the car and heading to our favorite local store for the best pizza on Island. Fun ideas for the holiday weekend coming soon….xxxx