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Martha’s Vineyard is an incredibly special place to me. I spent my childhood summers coming here, and I met and married my husband Will here. What a treat it is to carry our love for the Island into the next generation by bringing our son here. It was the first place outside of home that we took with him when he was only five weeks old. Needless to say, we love this Island, and I find that September is the most beautiful month of all: all the joys of the summer without the crowds. Lucky us then to have two big weddings in the Northeast to shoot this coming month, and to be able to stay at my father’s home in between. I am so looking forward to showing you more of the Island and why I love it so much in the coming weeks. It is also such a pleasure to get a jump start on fall: the temperatures are already dipping dramatically at night and I am savoring every bit of it. For now, we are soaking up the last bit of summer, wild flowers in hand…
Martha’s Vineyard has a wonderful mix of farms, rolling countryside and seaside villages. My first stop after arriving on Island and saying my hellos is always the farm stands. I love stocking up on locally grown produce, pies, soaps and flowers, particularly when we’re all together because I love planning for and feeding a group. We’ve arrived in a transitional period but there are still lots of delicious, ripe tomatoes, peaches, berries and corn. Apples are right around the corner. After a good comb through on our first day, we drove up to a point right next to the house just in time to catch the sun set over the sea. I think you can see that I am very happy:
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Edgartown is the most traditional and polished of the three villages and I wanted to show it to you first as I think that it will feel the most familiar to you. I have not been to Nantucket, but I suspect Edgartown would feel the closest to how it does there. There are lots of limelight hydrangeas, manicured lawns and dips down to the sea but also several houses and gardens which nod to the English countryside which are my favorite (of course).
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But perhaps my favorite part of the Island, and what I find the most magical, are the rolling pastures full of grazing animals which overlook the sea. Our first full day on Island was spent petting baby goats and lamb (“lammies” as our son calls them) and I know that it will become a regular activity for us while we are here.
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That and watching the amazing sunsets from various points on Island…. more soon!
Happy last week of summer to all. Here are some similar dresses, and some that I am eyeing for fall at various price points. Xx